Music makes my world go around!

Do you know the feeling when you´ve been down for a while, everything seems to work against you and you don´t seem to find a way out of it? Then sometimes suddenly something, say music will get you back on your feet.

That´s what it did to me when I dropped my pattern of fulfilling others expectations in me and decided to make my own music.


I thought that people may think whatever they want about my music but for me, it can only get better and so I made up my mind that I should build up my confidence and don´t let anyone break it down. 


 When spring and summer arrives I always smell the flowers as much as I can so that I can keep the smell and feeling inside of me through the winter and until next spring. Now I try to do the same with every positive feeling, just catch it when it comes and hope that it keeps the darkness out of sight.


 When I sometimes fall, I go out just wandering around, walking the streets in my hometown and maybe talk to a sister of mine to make me feel better. Then again and again I come to the conclusion that music is what makes my world go around, helps me breath and walk tall. So I´ll stay in my world of music and joy and this will be my last goodbye to my old bullies and bad confidence!


I wrote this to remind my self the importance of my albums and my music and yes, to remind the rest of the world! But wait.. you don´t need to be reminded because you read this, so you already know..:)


***Those of you who have listened to my album Again and again knows that the marked words in this text are the names of the songs in the album and those of you who haven´t heard it- now you know:):):) See you!


Me in our studio! Photo Lisa Irvall






Do do do what you wanna do

And so I forgot again. That I have a blog I mean. Well, better late than never- I´m writing!

I´m not just writing my blog, I also write new music! After a long time, I got back in to my studio yesterday, to sing and to meet a student of mine and to write. I just love being in the studio! It´s such calm there to think and to write and there are also people there to get inspired by. Inspiration is so important! People are important. And sometimes when you feel lost yourself you can find inspiration in other people.

So here´s a couple of them:


My grandma! She turns 86 today and is one of the coolest people I´ve met. She is still creative and writes poems and sings and bakes the best cakes ever! 

Olof Palme! I saw a very good documentary about him this Christmas and I liked him before but this made me like him even more. A really good politician! I wish we had someone like him in Sweden today.

Patti Smith! Always. So creative and a great musician!

People! Who do what they want to do and believes in themselves.

People! Who do good things for others!

ME! Well not always. Sometimes I´m so tired of myself and I think that I´m the worst ever but at times I´m pretty proud. I keep on writing music, believing in love and what is right and in always doing what I want to do even though I may not make a lot of money. I´m rich anyway.

You! For supporting me by reading this blog:-)


Here´s one of the best Swedish pop songs ever according to me! Listen to the words yourself and after that let your heart decide and do what you want to do!


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